Think for yourself.

Around 250 BC, a guy named Zeno proved by logic, that a plodding tortoise could best the known world's fleetest hero. As long as the tortoise was given a head start. Zeno's logic went like this. Whenever Achilles caught up to where the tortoise was, the tortoise would have moved a bit farther. Ergo, Achilles was doomed to lose.

But wait a minute. A little voice tells you something's wrong about this. Yet another voice says, 'do you think you're smarter than Zeno, a bona fide Greek philosopher and big-time thinker?'

So you accept Zeno's logic. Maybe even repeat it, parrot-like, to all your buddies.

That's too bad. You should have gone with your instincts. The truth is, Zeno was having some fun with you, using a form of bad logic called reductio ad absurdum. Simply put, if you start with a stupid premise, good logic will always lead you to a stupid conclusion.

So, always check your premise. And for heaven's sake, think for yourself.

Here's to Zeno. And here's to common sense.


Thursday, July 21, 2011

Quit the Franchise

In the land of franchises, all hamburgers are created equal. Walk into any McDonalds in the world and you'll receive the same food, served in the same way. Uniformity is the sine qua non of a franchise.

A political party is a franchise. If you belong to that party you are a licensee. Your thinking must comport with the party line.

Try this simple social experiment. Bring up the name of Sarah Palin before a group of Democrats. The effect is similar to introducing baking soda to a container of vinegar. There will be the predictable fulmination.

You could substitute other ingredients, with uniform results. As long as it is the name of someone the party has deemed an enemy, there will be a torrent of vitriol.

In Orwell's 1984, all members of the party were required to attend the two minutes of hate. An image of Emmanuel Goldstein --- the Sara Palin of Oceana -- was projected onto a large screen as the party members screamed and cursed his visage.

The latest name to invoke the two minutes of hate among Democrat party members is Michele Bachmann. As soon as she was deemed an enemy of the party, the word went out. She must be vilified. Without question.

Are her policies bad? Who knows? Who cares? Uniformity of thought obviates the need for ratiocination.

And you thought 1984 came and passed without incident.

Maybe it's time to quit the franchise and start your own business.

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